Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Third Five: College Hill

Or, "Want Some Lemonade?  I Made It Myself".

This week of my life has been about making lemonade out of lemons, and today's Five is no exception.  After a month of indecision and a serious lack of motivation, I decided that with the boys away at a Scouting event, today was going to be THE DAY.  Barring fire, flood or illness, pictures would be taken.

I had originally intended to capture a Five at the Rhode Island School of Design's Museum of Art; in particular, an exhibit entitled "Cocktail Culture" had caught my eye when it opened in mid-April.  I hadn't been to the RISD Museum in over thirty years, but I still have a place in my heart for the school.  As a budding artist, I made RISD my first choice when the time came to apply for college admission.  Unfortunately, I was lacking two very important criteria for entrance: a portfolio, and money.  I turned that lemon of disappointment into lemonade by attending my father's alma mater, Bryant College, where I met and married my husband.

Given my prior experience with RISD, it was only fitting that things didn't go as planned from the outset.  Benefit Street was barricaded for a student function, but I found parking in a nearby lot at a bargain rate - one obstacle out of the way!  Unfortunately, things got worse: not only did my camera not function well in "museum/manners" mode, but photography was also prohibited in the very exhibit I'd wanted to showcase.

Surprisingly, I found these developments very liberating!  Instead of stressing about what pictures to take, I was able to relax and enjoy the exhibits.  I started at the top floor and worked my way down to the gift shop.  I marveled at Buckminster Fuller's visionary work, looked at classic Impressionist paintings up close, quieted my mind with the Buddha, and fell hard for some mid-20th century cocktail dresses from the House of Balenciaga.  After completing my tour, I learned that I'd been so engrossed in the exhibits that I'd completely missed a passing rainstorm.  I left the museum and stepped back into the sunny day I'd left behind when I entered.

Since the weather was cooperating, I decided that there was a Five to be found after all: Benefit Street and its neighbors were rich with architectural variety.

While waiting to cross Benefit Street, I was amazed at the juxtaposition of the architecture of the First Baptist Church in America and RISD's Carr Haus.

Hail, my dream alma mater.
 A closer look at part of the Providence Art Club.
 Obey Giant: Proof that art isn't just in museums, kids.
 I decided to go with a classic for the last picture in the Five: The First Baptist Church in America.  It wasn't hard to follow the spire up to that beautiful blue sky.

Did everything go as expected with this Five?  Absolutely not.

Am I happy that it didn't?  Absolutely.

Until next time,

- Laurie :)

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